Thursday, December 24, 2009

To my Facebook Friends

I have had a very tough year. By accepting my friend invitation you have added more joy to my life. Like the quote in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life", "No man is a failure who has friends". And I know the same applies to a woman. I have wonderful friends and even though I can't see them in person, they have added to my life significantly. When I have posted photos online and people have made wonderful comments, my spirit has soared. You have made me what I am, which is, with the Grace of God, one of the best photographers on the planet.

For that I thank you all.


Christmas Eve - 2009

It's hard to believe we've gone through another year. Christmas eve is a hopeful time. We await "new birth" with the birth of Christ. Although just another day of the year, Christmas is when the savior arrives to free us all from ourselves. The spirit comes soon after and by seeking that spirit our lives should be more peaceful. We will have found our destiny.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I watched Julie and Julia this afternoon and wondered where my life is going to go. According to the story behind the movie, Julie woke up one morning knowing exactly what she wanted to do. She was going to cook 254 recipes in 365 days and write about it in her blog. I'm not sure that's what I want to do with my photography. I could post a photograph a day, I could post photographs of my life and my loves. Who knows. I'm hoping the answer will come to me in the night or morning or mid afternoon. Whenever it happens will be the right time.