Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camdon, Maine 2010

My Front Yard

This photo was taken in my front yard. I have a parking lot and an island of flowers that I planted through the 8 years I've been there. The background looks like mist but it's actually the pavement on the street. I always find it fascinating that the photo I thought I took comes out so differently. Makes it exciting when I process the memory card.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barbados, 2002

Up and about...

I was up at 7:30 a.m. and waking up at 55 is so much different than when I woke up in my 20's. More aches and pains but that doesn't stop me. After a bit of walking around and feeling the life come back into me, I'm ready to try again. Today I have to get a few things done with Press Releases about a show I have here at my small Gallery (The Celtic High Crosses of Ireland) and another Press Release about the group show my photography group is having at the library the month of December. Along with that I have to show a house this morning.

So, I'll post a photo soon today.


Monday, November 8, 2010

My Favorite Rose...

I'm back...

I took a break from the blog to campaign for State Representative here in Massachusetts. As you may know, the election was last week and unfortunately I was defeated by the Republican Candidate, Rich Bastien. He campaigned fiercly for 8 months and I have to applaud his hard work and dedication.

But, there is a silver lining to every loss in life. I'm able to come back and post on my photography blog and hopefully someone will listen and look.

Thanks for visiting this page. I hope you enjoy my photography.

Coming attractions: My visit to Tower Hill Botanical Garden this past weekend. They had an Orchid show and I took over 150 photos. Be sure to check back to see what I've posted from the show.