Sunday, December 8, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

My first blog entry since my accident in March, 2013

Thank you all for visiting my blog again.  Due to my back injury, I was not able to sit for any length of time at the computer but now I'm almost back to normal (well, not normal, normal!) and so I'll be writing here again every time I have a new photo opportunity to share with you.

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon driving to Melrose, Massachusetts where I went to Hunt's Camera and Video to have the sensors cleaned on both cameras (my Canon EOS 20D and EOS 5D).  Both sensors looked pretty good to the technicians but I wanted them crystal clear for the new images I'll be creating for you.

On the way home I stopped at D'Amici's Bakery and picked up a Lobster Tail and Ricotta Pie.  They have such great pastry.  I have to stop there each time I visit Hunt's.

Not to waste the afternoon on just driving and shopping, I nosed around Melrose to see what I could photograph while there.  I couldn't make it back to the Ox Bow Reservation (which is on the way home) so I drove around the Fellsway and Spot Pond was showing up on the GPS so I kept driving around it until I found a place to park (at a Trustees of Reservations parking lot).  The water was right there so I took several shots and this is one of them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Breaking my Back was a Good Thing!

On March 21st I was in my basement lifting a box when I hit my head and fell on the cement floor.  It was the most painful experience I have ever had.  I called for help as I had visitors upstairs and they came down to help me.  I couldn't stand but was able to crawl across the cellar floor and up the stairs and onto the couch in the living room.  I had my friend Norm get me an ice pack and that seemed to calm down the pain.  After about 45 minutes I tried to get up and thats when the pain came back so I had to be brought to the emergency room where they diagnosed me with a bruise and sent me home with pain killers and Tylenol.  After two weeks of being on the couch and still in pain I went to my primary care physician who did an xray of my back and eventually a CT Scan.  Much to her surprise I had a burst fracture of the Lumbar Spine.   I went to the emergency room that night at UMass Memorial where they admitted me and told me I may have to have surgery where they fuse the vertebrae together.  That night I have never prayed as hard asking God to spare me from the surgery.  The next morning the surgeon met with me and said I was a good candidate for a back brace to be worn for the next couple of months. 
I've been in the brace for 4 weeks now and during that time I've made good use of my injury by watching educational photography videos.  I'm so excited to be able to put the techniques I've learned into practice.  In a few weeks I may be able to go to Physical Therapy.  Hopefully the therapy will help to relieve the spasms which are the most painful part of this ordeal.
Bad things that happen are not necessarily bad.  This accident turned into something which is not an accident at all but a vehicle by which I have been able to improve my photography skills and build my confidence.  I've been able to take a few portraits while in the brace but I am limited to what I can do, so I do what I can. 
Thank you for reading my blog.  I'm so looking forward to posting my new images when I'm healed totally.  My current project is Maternity Photography and Newborns. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can't get on Facebook tonight!

So, since I can't get on Facebook tonight, I'm forced to write in my blog.  If you don't already know, I had a minor accident which caused me much back pain and I've been laying on the couch for 2 weeks watching educational photography videos.  Well, I've learned alot and am looking forward to what the future holds.  I still have a week or so or recuperation but I'm making good use of my time.

However, being the "can't sit still for any length of time person" I was able to get out last night to photograph the dress rehearsal of Grease at Athol High School.  They have a perfomance Friday night and Saturday.  Do a google search to find the times or check on Facebook. 

For the first dress rehearsal the students did a great job.  Here's one of the shots I took.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Playing around with friends in my studio.

Physical Therapy

I went to physical therapy this morning and while sitting in the waiting room, someone was wheeled in and appeared to be pretty much unable to walk or talk or speak.  I didn't think much of it and then they called my name to go into the treatment room.  While resting on a heating pad another person was being wheeled out of the room.  For whatever reason I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with sadness and had to force myself not to cry.  I tried to think happy thoughts until my therapist started my treatment (traction, heat, massage and TENS then ice).  I was ok until another man walked in on crutches and was having difficulty walking.  Although very thankful that the fall I had last week doesn't appear to have caused permanent damange, I can't help but think of all the people in the world who have not been so lucky.  Accidents happen, people are born with problems as we see it, we make stupid mistakes that cause us pain

I encourage everyone reading this to take care of themselves.  Stop and smell the roses.  Live in the moment.  Because one day you may just find yourself flat on your back, in physical therapy, unable to move, deaf, blind or diagnosed with a fatal illness.  Life is very, very short!

I took for granted the ability to wash dishes, walk, drive a car, sleep comfortably, cook a meal and the list goes on and on.  I'll never do that again.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

High School Senior Portraits

I'm always working on new projects and trying new ideas in photography.  Today I want to remind people that it's time for High School Senior Portraits to be booked.  Each photo session is tailored to you and your style and interests.  The session can be in the studio or on location or leave it up to me and I promise to create images that you will cherish for a lifetime. 

Justine was wonderful to work with.