Friday, March 29, 2013

Playing around with friends in my studio.

Physical Therapy

I went to physical therapy this morning and while sitting in the waiting room, someone was wheeled in and appeared to be pretty much unable to walk or talk or speak.  I didn't think much of it and then they called my name to go into the treatment room.  While resting on a heating pad another person was being wheeled out of the room.  For whatever reason I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with sadness and had to force myself not to cry.  I tried to think happy thoughts until my therapist started my treatment (traction, heat, massage and TENS then ice).  I was ok until another man walked in on crutches and was having difficulty walking.  Although very thankful that the fall I had last week doesn't appear to have caused permanent damange, I can't help but think of all the people in the world who have not been so lucky.  Accidents happen, people are born with problems as we see it, we make stupid mistakes that cause us pain

I encourage everyone reading this to take care of themselves.  Stop and smell the roses.  Live in the moment.  Because one day you may just find yourself flat on your back, in physical therapy, unable to move, deaf, blind or diagnosed with a fatal illness.  Life is very, very short!

I took for granted the ability to wash dishes, walk, drive a car, sleep comfortably, cook a meal and the list goes on and on.  I'll never do that again.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

High School Senior Portraits

I'm always working on new projects and trying new ideas in photography.  Today I want to remind people that it's time for High School Senior Portraits to be booked.  Each photo session is tailored to you and your style and interests.  The session can be in the studio or on location or leave it up to me and I promise to create images that you will cherish for a lifetime. 

Justine was wonderful to work with.