Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can't get on Facebook tonight!

So, since I can't get on Facebook tonight, I'm forced to write in my blog.  If you don't already know, I had a minor accident which caused me much back pain and I've been laying on the couch for 2 weeks watching educational photography videos.  Well, I've learned alot and am looking forward to what the future holds.  I still have a week or so or recuperation but I'm making good use of my time.

However, being the "can't sit still for any length of time person" I was able to get out last night to photograph the dress rehearsal of Grease at Athol High School.  They have a perfomance Friday night and Saturday.  Do a google search to find the times or check on Facebook. 

For the first dress rehearsal the students did a great job.  Here's one of the shots I took.