Monday, November 4, 2013

My first blog entry since my accident in March, 2013

Thank you all for visiting my blog again.  Due to my back injury, I was not able to sit for any length of time at the computer but now I'm almost back to normal (well, not normal, normal!) and so I'll be writing here again every time I have a new photo opportunity to share with you.

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon driving to Melrose, Massachusetts where I went to Hunt's Camera and Video to have the sensors cleaned on both cameras (my Canon EOS 20D and EOS 5D).  Both sensors looked pretty good to the technicians but I wanted them crystal clear for the new images I'll be creating for you.

On the way home I stopped at D'Amici's Bakery and picked up a Lobster Tail and Ricotta Pie.  They have such great pastry.  I have to stop there each time I visit Hunt's.

Not to waste the afternoon on just driving and shopping, I nosed around Melrose to see what I could photograph while there.  I couldn't make it back to the Ox Bow Reservation (which is on the way home) so I drove around the Fellsway and Spot Pond was showing up on the GPS so I kept driving around it until I found a place to park (at a Trustees of Reservations parking lot).  The water was right there so I took several shots and this is one of them.