Friday, October 31, 2014

Vinalhaven, Maine - A new experience

Two days ago I arrived in Rockland at the Ferry and got in line to go the 1.25 hour trip to Vinalhaven, an island I have never visited. My friend Phil is renting a small house there and invited his friends to visit so I did. Fortunately he was also on the same Ferry as he had an appointment in Rockland that same day I was arriving.

 So I was able to board the ferry and sought out my friend in the waiting area for passengers. We caught up with news,etc (I had not seen him in two years) and then the ferry arrived at the Island. He asked me to wait while he went to Linda Beans to pick up some lobster (aka Lobstah) for dinner that evening. At the end of the road where Phil lives is a whole bunch of rocky shoreline and we enjoyed a great sunset (even though that day had been overcast for the most part). The house he's renting is small but has two good sized bedrooms, 1.5 baths and it located close to everything (how can it not be close to everything - the island is only 6 miles long).

The dinner was great - boiled lobster with corn on the cob and good conversation.

  The next morning Phil unexpectedly did not have to go into work and so I asked him if he wanted to show me around the island and so we agreed that would be fun. We decided to explore the east side of the island. There's a state beach, rocky coastline, some old granite quarries and a whole lot of not much. We did however drive to a Preserve (can't remember the name) but while on the preserve we stumbled upon 2 homes which were obviously summer homes but no one appears to have been there for a while. We both got lots of images and plenty of exercise. I took Phil out for Pizza for being such a good sport and showing me part of the island. We got the loaded one and I made sure there was anchovies on my half. I didn't sleep very well last night because the Ferry has a peculiar way of making you a reserve a spot to get on the ferry 24 hours in advance. I had to call at 5:30 a.m. this morning, wait for 20 minutes while they confirmed I had a spot in line for tomorrows 8:45 a.m. departure. I guess the system works for them as I hadn't heard or read any complaints (well, yeah, I did read some complaints from people who were not able to get on the ferry for a couple of days in the summer but hey, that's what you should expect during the tourist season.

This morning Phil went off to work (he works for Linda Bean's Lobster company). It's hard work, getting bait to the lobstermen and then later buying their catch. It's a long day and ok when the weather is fine but unpredictable with regard to a steady income. So, after breakfast this morning I decide to explore the West side of the island. I'm so tired now that I'll have to continue this later but it was pretty interesting and at times I felt I should have taken my compass with me. Sorry, I don't have any photos to post but will do that when I get back to Massachusetts.

 But I can assure you..... They are spectacular!