Saturday, February 6, 2016


Cows can be pretty interesting

Shifting Gears

Through the years I've wandered all over the countryside taking photos of things I thought were interesting.  And yes, my Facebook friends usually have found them interesting as well.  I get dozens, sometimes hundreds of "Likes" a few "Shares" and lots of comments but for me I'm going to slow down.  What does that mean for the people who view my images?  I'm not sure.  I'm not sure if my images will get better or if I'll totally stop taking pictures altogether.

The computer has become a problem for me.  I sit here while editing and get a sore neck.  My back aches and my eyes bother me.  I spend way too much time here editing.   So....  Where do I go from here?

Well, probably less posting of images and more talking about the process of why I took the photo, where I took the photo and what it means to me.  I'll also ask if it means anything to you.

I'm frustrated with the photography business.  I'm frustrated with technology and I'm mostly frustrated with myself.  Why have I not been able to figure out my niche, what floats my boat, what really makes me happy within?  I've been a business owner all my life and I see camera companies sponsoring workshops so that everyone can learn how to be a photographer.  The photographers are holding workshops so they can make a living because the market is just getting so saturated with hobbyists turned semi-pro because the cameras now take such good images and you can get tons of free software now and photoshop is no longer the only game in town.  And with Facebook you don't have to pay for advertising, just create a group, a business page and voila - instant popularity.

So right now I'm slowly backing away from the computer, from technology, even my cameras (one is broken and I don't even have the ambition to get it repaired and I really need it).

What do I hope to accomplish with this maneuver?  Well, keep watching this blog and maybe I'll show you.
