Thursday, December 24, 2009

To my Facebook Friends

I have had a very tough year. By accepting my friend invitation you have added more joy to my life. Like the quote in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life", "No man is a failure who has friends". And I know the same applies to a woman. I have wonderful friends and even though I can't see them in person, they have added to my life significantly. When I have posted photos online and people have made wonderful comments, my spirit has soared. You have made me what I am, which is, with the Grace of God, one of the best photographers on the planet.

For that I thank you all.


Christmas Eve - 2009

It's hard to believe we've gone through another year. Christmas eve is a hopeful time. We await "new birth" with the birth of Christ. Although just another day of the year, Christmas is when the savior arrives to free us all from ourselves. The spirit comes soon after and by seeking that spirit our lives should be more peaceful. We will have found our destiny.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I watched Julie and Julia this afternoon and wondered where my life is going to go. According to the story behind the movie, Julie woke up one morning knowing exactly what she wanted to do. She was going to cook 254 recipes in 365 days and write about it in her blog. I'm not sure that's what I want to do with my photography. I could post a photograph a day, I could post photographs of my life and my loves. Who knows. I'm hoping the answer will come to me in the night or morning or mid afternoon. Whenever it happens will be the right time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More of the Ceremony

.....After the ceremony

Before taking their vows...

This spring I was sitting in my living room having a cup of coffee with my friend Norm when I heard a rap at the front office door. Usually people ring the bell but this time it was a light knocking. I peeked out the door separating my living room from my office to see who it might be. I noticed it was a Nun, black habit and all. I was surprised to see a nun as that has never happened to me. I had even thought of nuns as being a bit mysterious and unapproachable and here is one now knocking at my office door.

I opened the door and asked her to come in as it was cold outside. It seems she was going from business to business selling little books about her school and was trying to raise money. I'm not a fan of the catholic church but asked her to come in the house and wait and I would write her a check for the school.

In the process of writing the check I told her about my experience at a monastery several years ago, that I had gone to during a time of stress in order to regain some of my peace of mind. I told her that one of the sisters had given me a book in the waiting room and it was photos of a nun taking her vows in the Vatican. I told her it would be interesting to take those types of photos someday. Little did I know that she herself was about to take her vows and asked if I would like to take the photos. I was stunned and also happy since it was one of the things I had wanted to do in my lifetime. It came sooner than later. Here's a couple of photos from that day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another photo from my FB wall posts.

I'm finally getting back into photo editing today. Last week I was focussed on getting my Maine Real Estate License and passing the exam on Saturday, which I did (Yippee). Here's some more photos I edited a while back. I'll be posting many more as the days go by.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My kitty....

I was studying this morning for my real estate broker's exam and noticed my cat was sitting by the piano. The light was coming in and she looked stunning so I ran for the camera and told her to "stay right there". This is the result.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Todays photography...

The only photos I took today were of a house that I had to do a BPO for. Not very exciting. But here's a photo I'll post of previous work.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Celtic High Crosses

An Orchid somewhere in my travels....

One of my most favorite shots. This was taken along the cliff walk in Newport, Rhode Island on a very dreary afternoon.

More impages I had posted in my wall in Facebook.

I haven't quite figured out how to lay out the photos on the page. Eventually this site will start looking a little more professional.

Buy Greater Gardner Now

For all those real estate buyers who participated in the Buy Greater Gardner Now program, I have given as a part of the program, a matted photograph of their new home. Someone who purchased a home through the program in August called today to see when she could have the photo taken. I suggested she wait until the spring so that the house would look nicer. Also, I take family portraits as well as do fine art photography. I'll be posting some suggestions here on sitting for a family portrait, what to wear, when to have them taken etc. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


A typical evening in the Kamuda household....

Most evenings I spend in the front of the computer looking through images that I have amassed over the past 5 years since owning a digital camera. I finally purchased a Canon eos20D when they first came out It was alot for me to spend but I decided I had to invest in my future. One thing lead to another and I had to photograph my first large wedding and thought it would be a good idea to have a backup camera in case the 20D failed me. You don't get a second "shot" at a wedding and you don't have "do overs". I learned that when I missed the bride and groom kissing at the altar and I said "can you do that again?" and they just glared at me. So I again decided to invest and purchase a Canon 5D which is what the students at the Hallmark School are encouraged to buy. I have never regretted purchasing either camera and I'm hopeful my future will be filled with images from my heart which will also touch YOUR heart.

Images posted on Facebook....

More of the Photos from my Facebook Wall...

For the past few months I have posted several photos which many of you have liked and made comments about. In the near future I will be selling prints of what I have posted. All prints come matted on archival matboard. Sizes will vary. I'll keep you posted.

An array of what I have already posted on Facebook

Monday, November 2, 2009