Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A typical evening in the Kamuda household....

Most evenings I spend in the front of the computer looking through images that I have amassed over the past 5 years since owning a digital camera. I finally purchased a Canon eos20D when they first came out It was alot for me to spend but I decided I had to invest in my future. One thing lead to another and I had to photograph my first large wedding and thought it would be a good idea to have a backup camera in case the 20D failed me. You don't get a second "shot" at a wedding and you don't have "do overs". I learned that when I missed the bride and groom kissing at the altar and I said "can you do that again?" and they just glared at me. So I again decided to invest and purchase a Canon 5D which is what the students at the Hallmark School are encouraged to buy. I have never regretted purchasing either camera and I'm hopeful my future will be filled with images from my heart which will also touch YOUR heart.

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