Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010

We traveled to Ireland for our honeymoon and I also received a grant to study the Celtic High Crosses while I was there. It was an exciting time and I was so in love. There were several crosses to photograph and this one was in Clones. We got to the city square and couldn't find the cross and we looked all around and couldn't figure out where it was. It was pouring rain to we were so frustrated and cold and wet. We stood in the square where the map said the cross was to be found. Funny thing is we were standing right in front of the cross the whole time. It was right in front of us and we didn't see it. Such a metaphor for life. Sometimes we have things staring us in the face and we fail to see it. My life has been very blessed and God has been a big part of it but sometimes He's shown me things and I haven't seen them....although they were right there all the time. I so wish that God was precise and would just say, Carolyn look to the left....or to the right. Instead He remains silent and wants us to figure it out for ourselves.

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