Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day, January 1st, 2010

Its New Years Day 2010. I promised to "try" to post a new photo here every day for the next 365 days at least. The photo above was taken at the Gardner Municipal Golf Course the day after the ice storm of 2008. Perhaps I was crazy to go out to photograph but I didn't think I'd ever have a chance to see this type of scenery in our area ever again. As I was driving down Park Street I started to have my doubts with all the power lines down and trees in the middle of the street. But my little Toyota Corolla maneuvered through the debris and I was able to get many fine shots. The saddest thing to see was the destruction of all the trees along the side of the road on Green Street next to the golf course. Mother Nature certainly gave me some interesting shots that day. Although the house was cold, the power was off and we had to learn how to start a fire in the woodstove, I know that God provided me with images that will last a lifetime. I expect I will have many more opportunities to capture interesting images in the future.

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