Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

Today I'm rearranging my desktop to accomodate all my peripherals. I have an Epson 2480 Photo Scanner, an Epson Printer, a Canon 9900 printer (for the nice shots), a Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 to scan negatives and slides, my DSL modem, telephone, speakers, Viewsonic monitor, 2 external hard drives, a Wacom Drawing Tablet, an external mini drive, an external floppy disk drive (does anyone use those any more?), and a desk lamp. All the cables drive me nuts so I'm going to go to Radio Shack today to see if they have some sort of clamps to keep them all tied together and neat. Oh yeah, and I have to make room for both computers, the old and the new. I wonder if I can hook them both together? Hmm.

I went to North Adams last week and on the way, along Rte. 2 (The Mohawk Trail), I noticed a small gift shop with a very large colorful indian out front. He must have been 20 feet tall. I passed by but the light was so good I had to turn around and take several shots. Here's one of them. Remember if you pass by something you think would make a good photo, turn around. It's worth it.

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